Monday, June 18, 2007

We love Wednesdays!!!

We love Wednesdays, because we feel like we're right in the center of why God called us to be here.

Wednesday nights have grown from a few guys coming over for Monopoly Night, to 20 young men gathering in our courtyard to learn about the life of Jesus. The fact that we play tons of fun games and have Cokes & snacks doesn't hurt either!

We thought it would take ages to get to this point. And maybe it has... But we have a strong group of guys, and God truly is working in their lives. Last week we talked about resurrection, and many of the boys asked more about how they could give their lives to Christ. That's an exciting step in their journey, and we're honored to be a part of it.

Pictured above are:

1) Human table orchestrated by Oswaldo.

2) TJ balancing a bucket of water on their feet. The object is for them to all take off their shoes without spilling the water.

3) 30 seconds later, Johan is drenched. (They pulled this game off without a hitch a few weeks later when motivated by prizes of a lollipop & a new pencil.)

4) Popsicle party with TJ's parents, Tom & Raye Lynn.

5) Hansel in a water-pistol vs. Alka-Seltzer duel. Both boys have Alka-Seltzer strapped to their heads, and are armed with water pistols. First one to dissolve the other Alka-Seltzer wins.


Miranda said...

Hi TJ and Holly,

I just stumbled upon your blog today and have just spent the last half hour reading your posts and looking at your pictures. I was actually a freshman with both of you at ACU (but sadly deserted for Tech before sophomore year). It is so wonderful to read about your amazing work! I am in awe of your dedication to the Lord!

Thanks for giving me some interesting reading. Chad and I will keep you guys in our prayers.

May God bless you both!

Anonymous said...

Did you guys think of these games yourselves?

Anonymous said...

My boys! I miss them (and you guys) so much!
I still have a reminder of the Wednesday night we were there mosquito bites are just now starting to heal! The DR mosquitoes are unbelieveable! Sitting outside that night watching the two of you with the boys, was worth every bite!


Unknown said...

He's here! Baby Sam is here! There are photos and a post by Christine on her blog!
You will be blessed by her faith!
Thanks you for your faithful prayers for little Samuel and for his mommy and the whole family!
You are loved and prayed for daily!