Thursday, June 21, 2007

Meet the twins. Or not.

This is Henri & Yoel. They're twins. Everybody in town calls them "the twins." The other day, I was asking the Pescadores for their birthdays, and Henri told me his was June 30.

I told him that was really neat, because our friends, Micheal & Heather, will be visiting us during his birthday. And they just so happen to have twin boys, just like him & his brother.

Henri proceeded to tell me that his birthday is June 30, and Yoel's is June 3. I did a double take, trying to figure out how twins could be born a month apart. Then I asked him how old they are - Yoel will be 15, Henri will be 14.

Apparently, they're not actually twins. That's the thing about this country - people aren't sticklers for actual definitions. (For example, twins = two babies born from the same mom on the same day.)

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