Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Gospel and Milton Bradley

Wednesday evening, we had some of the guys over. A fun filled night of popcorn, cokes, and a lesson in economics- That's right- we played Monopoly!

We were worried at first that the game might be difficult to catch on to, but our guys, Jordan and Rudy, who have probably never held more than five dollars at a time, absolutely loved it. They immediately fell into Donald Trump mode and were wheelin'-dealin' real-estate masters. This week we will continue our game (after three hours, we packed it up) and it is quite possible that Jordan will win, having never played before (Hotels on Atlantic? Who can pay that kind of rent?!).

We had a blast just hanging out in a smaller group and really felt like we went a long way in getting to know these guys better. Jordan buys up property and spends money as fast as he gets it- Rudy got worried and wanted to sell property as soon as he had less than $3000 in cash!
We plan on doing something like this with different kids every week, and eventually forming a group of guys, kind of like a Young Life group, who can do leadership activities and service projects together. They are mostly great kids with big hearts- as long as you don't ask for free rent when you land on Boardwalk.


Anonymous said...

This makes me smile so much. I can't wait to see you guys and show Jordan how Monopoly is really played! Haha. Miss and love you both.

Blair said...

That sounds so great! I bet those kids are just lit up by ya's presence in their lives. I miss you two!
love, blair

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!

Alex had such a fun time with Mickey - she's GREAT!! I'm going to tell you more when I find your emails!!