Wednesday, March 05, 2008

There are days when we want to scream:

"WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!!! To help you!!! Why are you behaving in a way uglier than we could have ever imagined? Forget you. We're going home."

Then we want to physically beat some sense into them.

Tonight was one of those nights.

It will pass, and it will come again.

Thank God we're not God.


kentbrantly said...

i pray for you, my friends. may the Lord bless and keep you. and may you persevere in your service to Him.

Jerry F said...

I'm praying for you and your work right now!!!!!!! You're right, we can't handle what God does, but we can pass along His love and understanding!!


Anonymous said...

Many parents are totally with you on your comments! But those committed to the Lord's work like you are can also relate. I pray for special blessings to come your way to see the benefit of what you do...and maybe a little shaking of the shoulders by God to get their attention :)


Anonymous said...

Miss and love you guys bunches!! You guys are truly the hands and feet of Jesus. Your dedication amazes us all! Know that prayers go up daily for you both!! ;o)
