Monday, March 10, 2008

sweet rocks

The other day, Alfredo found half of an ancient, rock-hard, dirty-nasty gumball in our yard. He inspects it, brushes off some dirt, and pops it in his mouth. His eyes immediately light up.

"It's a sweet rock! I found a sweet rock!"

His buddy and cousin, Niño, gets interested.

"Let me taste this sweet rock," Niño says.

Alfredo hands it over.

"Where did you find it?" asks Niño.

"Here, on the ground, with the other rocks."

"Mmmmm!!!" says Niño, "it IS sweet!"

"You can suck on it for one minute, then I want it back."

"I'm going to find some more." Niño declares, and proceeds to lick every rock in my flower bed.

I expect a full excavation/mining team will be here in no time.


Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I can just see them having this convesration. Love those boys...and love you guys too!


Anonymous said...

Oh.............................I can't even imagine the germs.....
I think I will send some "sweet rocks" with Vicki! You can tell the boys we grow alot of sweet rocks in Tulsa!



Blake and Moriah said...

I just laughed out-loud.
