Thursday, October 18, 2007


Things have been going well. Too well, in fact, since our house was robbed. Both the boys and girls bible studies are growing and going well. The English class was a hit- the children's program we started on Wednesdays went swimmingly- we are packing the house on Sunday night worship with kids AND parents...

And then the other shoe dropped. Last night, I walk into our courtyard where the boys are supposed to be setting up chairs and getting ready for the bible study, and I find Joel, our most difficult boy, on the ground and tied up from head to toe with one of our clotheslines. Several other boys were gathered around kicking him and laughing as he struggled to get free.

Now, in fourteen year-old street boy world, this is a perfectly acceptable form of entertainment, but not at my house, not at the bible study where we are about to talk about putting our faith into practice...

I sat them all down and told them in strong terms that I expect more out of them than this, that the Bible study was canceled and that they should all go straight to Joel and ask for his forgiveness.

They left, sat outside the gates, and, as a group, (Joel included!) sent a messenger to come tell me that they wanted to disband the Pescadores. That we only talk badly to them and that it's not worth the trouble to be a part of the group if we were always going to be correcting them.

Basically, we told them that was fine, and that no one was forced to come, but if they did want to come and go on trips and have game nights and english class and watch movies, there were a few things we expected them to try to do- namely, be nice to each other.

We left it at that- and a few of them have returned to say they are sorry, but it was a real meltdown- maybe a good one- but painful, nonetheless. Pray that the boys wise up- and pray that we don't go crazy from this rollercoaster ride.


Brock Paulk said...

so sorry to hear about this setback...y'all do such an amazing ministry there. Keep it up with the ones who do come back...

LB said...

Man I hate set backs... But I know God will use this to teach the boys more about Him. It's easy to forget that what y'all are teaching these boys is totally foreign to them. Think about the Apostles. Just when Jesus thought they were getting it, one of them did or said something incredibly stupid. And look what he did with them...

Anonymous said...

Sweet TJ and Holly -
Know that this is Satan's way to try to tear apart the work that you have done, but in the end a fabulous way for you to teach them about boundaries and God's expectations in a loving way. I love it when the enemey thinks he is winning, when he is really just giving us a stepping stone. They love you WAY too much to break the group up! I saw it every day in theirs eyes! Love you both!! His - Beth

Dad/GP said...

Hang in there, they'll be back. Even if you take 2 steps forward and 1 step backward you are still making progress - and you are really making progress.

Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

Sweet friends-I just want to keep encouraging the both of you. I am so proud of you guys and all that you have done. God is looking down from above and is overjoyed at what you all have already accomplished! Like Beth said, this is satan trying to take over but he will NEVER NEVER EVER win!!! Hold on tight to God's hand...don't let go...He will carry you through. He will bring these boys back to you guys.

Love you both dearly!! Keep shining that bright light (brighter than a headlamp!!)like you guys always do.

On my hands and knees praying for the work in the DR, Angelica

Anonymous said...

Oh dear ones!!
How content we are to make mudpies when we're offered that holiday by the sea!
May God's love continue to flow in you and out of you. You are in our prayers! Lisa O

The Normans! said...

Oh, friends! Our hearts ache for you. You are that city on a hill, that lamp on a lampstand that Jesus talks about in Matthew. How lovely, but hard too. We are praying that the Lord would protect your hearts and minds from the evil one. And we are praying the same for your boys. You are dearly loved!

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't imagine how hard that is. Great job on constantly disciplining and teaching them the ways of a righteous man in the eyes of God. No matter what, I believe God will use that in the boys' (and parents') lives in a powerful way. I pray the Lord blesses you both with peace and the ability to see "fruit" of your works there.
Love, Blair

Anonymous said...

The boys are reacting just as teenage boys will. They know in their hearts that they are wrong, (yes, they really know it) but, when confronted, they lash out in anger and resentment, because of being disciplined. None of us likes to be disciplined, and when we are it is painful and embarrassing. It takes a few days to sink in, and for "soul-searching" to take place.They will come back to your open, forgiving arms, because you are the only unconditonal loving, parental figures they know. This is just another step in their journey of being held accountable for their actions.....something they are totally unfamiliar with! Stay strong, just as you will with your own children some day. It is so hard, but the rewards are something to cherish in your hearts forever!
