Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Kicking our tail.

This new schedule is kicking our tail. Again, mostly in a good way. We're a well-oiled machine, humming and zinging along for the cause of Christ.

(At least, as well as anything hums and zings in the developing world... Just today, for example, we paused to chase down a semi that backed into our car, to ask kids not to poop on the porch, to run on the beach, to learn to make hummus.)

But I digress. The schedule. We posted this somewhat-tongue-in-cheek video earlier about our typical day.

But the advent of our year anniversary and the kids storming our gates have forced us to pause, consider how we can best be used. We added the following activities (read: lots of prep) to our go-with-the-flow schedule of yore.

Pescadores English Class (games, crafts, music, ONLY English allowed)
Princesas English Class
Club Chiquito (little kids only, studying Creation, story time, crafts, games)
Pescadores Youth Night
Princesas Youth Night
Leadership Traning
Sunday Night Worship & Movie
AND Osvaldo will shift his focus to spend one-on-one time mentoring each Pescador.


And you know what great thought I'm thinking as I finish this post? We are just a tiny piece. We're all striving to change the world, in hundreds of big and small ways, in hundreds of big and small places. I love that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. That is a lot. But great work - both of you! May God bless these efforts!