Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Something cheery...

Sometimes TJ & I wish we could find someone else to write a blog for us. Especially right now, when we're not feeling especially cheery, yet we're tired of seeing the last post. (You know, the one that makes us feel like our work here is for naught.)

Unfortunately, there was a LOT of other stuff stolen. Even worse, he's not sorry. Not even sorry enough to give it back, though we have recovered almost everything.

We're ready to pull ourselves up out of the despair of the last few days... I planned to post pictures of all of the delicious food we ate while we were home, but there's no power, therefore no computer with stored pictures.

So I'll find something else cheery to say... Wednesday night Bible study with the boys is going great. We're studying the book of James, and they love his practical, tangible thoughts. They also love The Princess Bride, which we showed last night.

TJ's mom is in China with her Chinese friends right now - they asked her to come tell their family the good news of Jesus. My dad broke his heel, but it's healing very well. I'm looking forward to making Carrie's Cool Cucumber & Avocado Soup. We're planning a trip to Europe in a year to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. And even though we don't have power, we DO have running water.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you tonight! Jay sends a smile and a wink. Sorry to hear about the stealing. We love you guys and think of you often. I cannot believe you guys will have been married 5 years next year! My how time flies when you are having fun. Hugs!

The Normans! said...

We love you very much, friends! We are also sorry to hear about the recent thefts. It is our prayer that the Lord would give you strength, perspective, and healing. Also, that His awesome love and grace will be made known to your boys through this experience... especially to this one boy who seems most in need. :o)
Love you!

LoriLoo310 said...

I have something cheery to say:

For our 5th anniversary we're taking a cruise that will stop in none-other than (drum roll please) ...


So plan to see us for a day next spring/summer.

We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

So, I signed up for Joel Osteen's daily uplifting emails and this is what was in my inbox today:

"God is a God of restoration! You may have had some disappointments or unfair things happen in your life, but instead of dwelling on the past and living defeated, take a stand and focus on God's promise of restoration. Draw a line in the sand and say, "I am a child of the Most High God, and I'm not going to live my life negative and defeated. This is a new day, and I’m taking back what belongs to me!" That's having a restoration mentality. God wants to restore everything that's been stolen. He wants to restore your joy, restore your peace, restore your health, and restore your finances. But here's the key: you have to have a vision for it. You have to get your hopes up. You have to decide to get your thoughts and words going in the right direction. Focus on the future and release past hurts through forgiveness. Decide today to get up every morning hoping, expecting, and believing. Know that God is going to pay you back. Thank Him for restoring everything that the enemy has stolen from you!" Prayer for today: "Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing to restore my life. Thank You for the truth of Your Word that sets me free. Fill me with Your power today so that I may stand strong and move forward on the path You have for me today. I love You and bless Your Name. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

I wanted to send you some encouragement and know that you are loved, you are being prayed for and the kid who did this is being prayed for, too. I can't wait to see you guys in just a few weeks! Hang tight!! ;o)


Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

i have yet to make the soup...let me know how it turns out when you get around to trying it!!