Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wash Me

Yesterday, one of our favorite/most challenging little munchkins came in wearing an interesting addition to her dress. Chica's father is a Haitian worker who has no time to raise his children. The kids' names are actually Chico & Chica - "boy" and "girl." Last year, he tried to give them to us. The neighborhood basically keeps an eye out for them, feeds them, waters them & tries to keep them somewhat in line.

It seems someone in the community decided Chica needed a bath, so instead of bathing her, they wrote "Please Bathe Chica" (which Chica cannot read, thankfully) on a peice of tape and stuck it on Chica's dress as a message to whoever might be at the receiving end of Chica's day. It's funny and sad at the same time, but it reminds me of how much we, too, need the caring, cleansing hands of Christ.

"If I don't wash you," Jesus told Peter, "you don't really belong to me."
Peter said, "Lord, don't wash just my feet. Wash my hands and my head." John 13:9

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