Thursday, February 22, 2007

I dare you to jump...

Our little town is bristling with excitement. This weekend is "Carnaverengue"(The Merengue Carnival), a three day, non-stop celebration of cultural heritage and, well... Rum. There are stages being set up in the water over the laguna near our apartment, and some of our kids took the opportunity to strip down to their skivvies and use the stages as diving platforms. We will update with more pictures of the craziness this weekend- it will be in our backyard, so we couldn't escape it if we wanted to. Here's to earplugs and sleeping pills!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so...we went to this last year and actually had a pretty good time. they have some decent bands and "shows". the later it gets the crazier it gets. also, you may need more than sleeping pills and earplugs to get through this one. hope you get some sleep!! love and miss you guys.