Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Happy Cumpleanos

So we're still studying spanish. Every day, we wake up, eat some great breakfast (that probably includes refried beans), go to class and start speaking spanish. Holly has cut her day back to four hours of study, while I have upped my hours to six. Im trying to catch up and get through the essentials before we have to leave- Im doing well, but had to start a little behind where I thought, since my grammar is horrIble. I have a test manana, to graduate to Level 3. Ill keep you posted- I have to make a 75 to pass.. Other than that- I also graduated to 26 years old on Saturday! We spent the weekend in a town not too far from here called Panachel, on an impossibly beautiful lake surrounded by three volcanoes. Here's a pic of Holly and I with another volcano.

We had a great time walking around the towns and interacting with the local merchants, who have made quite a name fo themselves with the tons of "tipico" merchandise they pass on to us gringos every year.

Our hotel was situated in a natural reserve and we took local three wheeled taxis called "tuk-tuks" into town every day.
The weekend was great, except that it left Holly with a cold that we are both still trying to kick. The spanish word for a headcold is "gripe"- quite apropo.
Other than that, no much is happening- we have made some great gringo friends who we can take a break from our Spanish with- People from all over the world are here, trying to conjugate verbs, just like us.
More on our glamourous life soon- after I pass my test!
Love yall- miss yall, (but we found a gringo cafe that imports Dr. Pepper, so we dont miss America too much...)
TJ (and Holly)


LoriLoo310 said...

Happy birthday TJ!! Even though it's been a while since we saw you last, we miss you more now that you're further away.

BTW, I have prego pictures and ultrasound pics up on my blog if you'd like to take a gander.

Blake and Moriah said...

L-O-V-E the new layout! I am glad to see that you posted a couple updates since I checked last. I AM going to send you a real e-mail to catch up! Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you guys! We just got back from Austin last night. It was a super fun weekend! I PROMISE I will e-mail you this week! Love you guys!