Sunday, August 20, 2006

Volca-no kidding

Our legs are tired, our backs are sore, but Holly and I can officially say that we have climbed an active volcano and stood less than one foot from a flowing river of molten rock. Yes, friends and family, Holly and I, today, feel like the adventurers we always knew we were.
We have been in Antigua, Gautemala for a week, today. Here is a picture of our school and our Maestras (teachers.

We spend five hours a day speaking (or trying to speak, in my case) Spanish with them, and so far, we like it! A few headaches from trying to understand all day, but those should subside.
Here is a pic of our city for the next five weeks. Antigua sits right underneath a smoking volcano and has been detroyed several times by earthquakes. They just keep moving the city a little bit and have learned not to build very high. Good thinking, guys.

Thats it for now- but keep checking bac for the next really, exciting, high energy adventure that we go on. we will keep you posted...


kentbrantly said...

I climbed Pacaya my first weekend there, too, but there was no flowing lava at the time. What is Holly's teacher's name? Lucia? Tell her hi for me. She spent a lot of time talking to my friend John while we were there.
Que Dios les bendiga a ustedes.
kent <><

Summer said...

Volcanos (volcanoes?) are SO amazing! When we went to Hawaii for our honeymoon Eric hiked out to the lava flows on the Big Island. He loved it. It's true, I stayed in a hut with Harry Potter, but that's because I was close the the end and honestly, who in his right mind hikes out to see lava flows at noon? Eric, not me.

Love ya'll! Glad you're there and safe!

Josh said...

Hey Guys,

I don't know you and you don't me. Maybe that will change, God only knows.

To start, I'm a youth minister at a church plant north of Phoenix, AZ. I'm also 25. My wife is a secretary at a school and we've been married for alome 3 years! So our stories are similar.

I graduated from LCU, looks like you from ACU, so we're both from TEXAS!!!

Your music is great, I love it! One thing is for sure, I'll be praying for you...A LOT. Good luck with those kiddos there in the DR. Feel free to contact me through my blog or whatever to let me know how we can support you guys through prayer.

I'm going to tell my teen about you guys and what you're doing!

Good luck and GOD BLESS!

Tina and Jim said...

It is wonderful to see through your blog how this mission work is developing. Thank you for allowing us to be a part. You are in our prayers and hearts.


Tina and Jim Wilson