Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Culture Safari

Where else will you find a white teenager from Dallas in a Haitian barrio talking with a Dominican man (preening his fighting rooster, of course) in broken Spanish about the colors of Dominican politics?

Ahhh... RioSanJuan. And the adventure that is our life!

We send American youth groups on a Culture Safari to help them dive into the depths of Dominican culture. Or, at least, stick a toe in and get a flavor of life in a developing country. (Where you don't speak the language. And don't have any money.)

Of course, the groups do splendidly, charming and involving the residents of RioSanJuan in their quest. Perhaps they're strongly motivated by the incredible prizes that go to the winning team...

Sample questions include:
  • What do Dominicans mean when they talk about "la bandera Dominicana"?
  • Put 100 pesos of minutes on TJ's phone.
  • What city is "la segunda capital"?
  • What Dominican baseball team is (far and away) the most popular in RSJ?
If you guys can answer those questions, you really should get a prize, too...

Any takers?


McCoy family said...

Hmmm, I probably should know more of these than I do. I know bandera means flag...Dominican flag? Or maybe more the Dominican motto? Is Puerto Plata la segunda capital? Not sure about the baseball team...how did I do?

Kayla said...

*100 pesos, gets about 5 minutes calling home
*La segunda capital=Santiago
*Baseball=Las Aguiles?

maybe it's not fair for me to do this.

Unknown said...

Well done, Kayla.

Close, but no cigar, actually. (No, cigars aren't the prize.)

The question should actually read "What foods are Dominicans talking about when they say 'la bandera Dominicanca'"?

And the minutes would actually have to appear on the phone. Remotely. Believe it or not, a non-Spanish speaking group member has accomplished this without having the phone OR the number.

LoriLoo310 said...

So this has nothing to do with this post, but I wanted to let you know that Nathan points to your picture on the fridge and says TeeTee and Hahee.

Kayla said...

ok, ok...la bandera rice and beans, and the minutes, pretty impressive

The Klutts' Home said...

No comment regarding the challenge, just following up on an email and trying to get in touch. We are interested in making a trip to RioSanJuan through Park Plaza. Please let me know if you received the email (and your response)! Thanks so much