Sunday, October 28, 2007

¡Ay, que linda!

We were practicing a drama with the Princesas on Friday night, when Katy paused to ask me a question:

"Jali (that's me), are you and Tomás (that's TJ) MARRIED?!!"

Keep in mind, we've worked with these girls for several months.

"Yes!" I responded excitedly. "We are!"

We showed them our matching wedding rings, and they went into throes of incredulous gasps and chatter. They just couldn't believe how cute that was! They wanted to know if we had a real wedding, with a white dress and everything.

People rarely get married here. Mostly they live together until one or the other wants out. "Wife" is not part of everyday vocabulary, it is more common to say "husband" and "his woman."

We want more for our Princesas. But where do we start?


Melanie said...

Just the idea of the two of you married is a good enough start, and the fact that you are both positive role models for them. God will do the rest.

Anonymous said...

You just did!