Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Today's coversation with Mac help

Me: Hello. There's an ant trapped in my computer screen.

Mac: Huh? Can you brush it off?

Me: No, it's on the INSIDE of my screen. I can see it crawling around, but I can't get to it.

Mac: Hmmm... Maybe turn the computer off and hope it finds it's way out?

Me: Okay... thanks.

I don't know what I was hoping they would say, really. I just didn't want to stare at an ant carcass for the rest of our iMac's life.

The ant found it's way out, hallelujah.


Amanda said...

That is too funny!!!

The Normans! said...

It seems that life is never dull for you two. :o)

Anonymous said...

You could have had an ant farm in your computer screen.