Sunday, June 10, 2007

How does this happen???

I'd like to feign ignorance on this one, but unfortunately, I know exactly how this happens.

Dishwashers MAY exist on the island, but if they do, I've never seen one. So we wash dishes by hand. Which isn't a big deal, except that we don't have hot water, and our tap water is from the river.

Therefore, washing dishes involves heating water until it boils, washing in one sink, followed by a bleach rinse in the other.

Again, not a big deal, but you don't want to initiate the process over 2 plates and a fork. We usually wash dishes once a day, but should our day spin out of control (as it NEVER does as missionaries on a Caribbean island), a small mound of dishes becomes a mountain to behold.


Anonymous said...

we are in your same boat...the dishwasher quit working this weekend. I feel your pain, I had to wash a load full of dishes yesterday. Hope you guys are good!

Anonymous said...

I think I better come back, so I can help you with those dishes!! Miss you guys sooooooooooooo much!

