Sunday, May 13, 2007

We're blue.

We took Blake & Mo to the airport this morning. We're sad about that. It did not feel good to come home to an empty house. We loved having our fun friends around, and it will probably take ANOTHER six months to stop missing them so much!

Plus, it's hot here. The kind of heat that makes us wonder if we actually DO have hot water because a cold shower feels hot. It fogs up our bathroom mirror.

ps - This is a freak thing. If you're coming to visit us, don't worry - it will cool off! Probably tomorrow. We just don't have much of a breeze today.

pps - We'll post pics of our week with Blake & Mo soon. Tonight, we mourn. We plan to drown our sorrows in bottles of ice cold Cokes, stove-top popcorn, and this week's episode of LOST.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor, poor, babies! It is soooo hard to say goodbye.....
