Sunday, April 22, 2007

What would we have done without Linda?

We took seven of our "Pescadores" from RioSanJuan on a retreat this weekend. We stayed at the Manna camp in Bobita. We hiked in the mountains, played in the river, ate fruit off trees, played soccer, and fished for gummy worms in whipped cream.

That's where we've been lately - getting ready for this retreat. We're home now, preparing for the coffeeshop tonight, and all I have time to say is: "What would we have done without Linda?"

Those of you who know Linda Benthall have probably asked yourself the same question. Amazing doesn't begin to cover it. She spent four years in China, and has encouraged us greatly with stories of her time there.

We knew each other at Otter Creek, and she came to visit us for a few days - to see our life here, and help out where she could. Truthfully, I don't think we could have made it without her. God provided many things for this weekend, but most of all, he provided Linda's capable hands to work along side us.

The boys also loved getting to know Jake, our friend from Santiago. He took time off from teaching to minister to our boys, and they're sure he's the coolest! What with the Tae Kwon Do, soccer skills & rad motorcycle, he actually is pretty cool...

We'll write more about the retreat later, but I think we'll go to the beach tomorrow!


Unknown said...

How great that God is sending such good people your way! You are both in our daily prayers and Jack prays faithfully for TJ and Holly and the monkeys every night! The video of him singing it still makes me smile everytime I see it!
I posted a couple of photos of him and Christine on my blog. She is in the hospital and will be until Sam is born. He will probably come at about 30 weeks in order to keep him and Christine healthy.
Sending lots of good thoughts your way - can't wait to read about the retreat!
Be blessed...

Anonymous said...

Did you change the picture on this entry or am I crazy? Possibly don't answer.