Tuesday, April 24, 2007

O Dear Christian College

I tried to take a nap on Sunday afternoon. Always a bad idea, as the disco blares full-force during traditional nap hours. But my Uncle Rick, an engineer for the railroad, had given me some new earplugs, so I figured I'd give it a try.

Strike two against the nap was that we didn't have any sheets - they were all dirty from the retreat. So I laid a blanket on the mattress, then pulled a blanket over me.

At which point I realized, I was an ACU sandwich. I was laying between two ACU sweatshirt blankets, wearing my ACU sweatpants and an ACU sweatshirt. Ha!


Anonymous said...

I loved those sweatshirt blankets, but never got one, cause I have a LOT of blankets, but it's usually better to take a nap with a blanket, than with sheets.

Unknown said...

We have a purple ACU sweatshirt blanket that we keep on our couch at all times. We literally use it everyday.

Blair said...

Hi TJ and Hollster:
It's Blair, I'm back! Sorry it's taken a while; I just decided to create a new google account out of my work email and am determined to remember my password this time. By the way, your place looks cute. I bet it's small, but appears cozy. And I am SO happy to read that you two are enjoying life in the DR and the mission God has given you two right now. Brad says a big "Hola." I miss you two!