Monday, April 09, 2007

Seashells and the Seashore

An afternoon with our favorite neighbors, José Gabriel & Polfirio.

They shout our names, jump up and down, run over & give us hugs every time we leave our house. Often they yell greetings from their 2nd floor balcony while we're sitting on our couch. Yes, sometimes it's annoying, but mostly we just laugh that our across-the-street neighbors can see straight into our house & talk to us like it's no big deal.

I meant to post a quick comment about the pictures, but I keep thinking of funny things to share about our little vecinos.

When we take our car to the mechanic, they ask where it is. We tell them it's playing hide-and-seek, and they always run around the block, looking for it. ¡Ay, Tomás! ¡Tú jeepeta está jugando las escondidas!

One day, José Gabriel came into the coffeeshop with huge bald patches on his head. When we asked him what happened - ¡Un monstruo! Un monstruo se me afeitó. A monster! A monster shaved my head. According to his grandma, the monster is named José Gabriel.

Anyway, we love these little guys, and we wanted them to have a special outing during Semana Santa. We went to the beach, climbed all over the rocks, traipsed through a mangrove swamp, looked for shells to give to their grandmothers, caught hermit crabs, and topped it off with a trip to the ice cream shop, where they for sure spent at least 10 minutes trying to decide which flavor they wanted. Apparently, popsicles trump ice cream cones in the Dominican.

I don't think TJ and I stopped laughing the whole time, listening to these little munchkins jabber at each other in Spanish. They were just tripping over themselves with the excitement of exploring and discovering, and a captive adult audience to show their treasures to.

Of course, now every time we leave our house, they shout our names, jump up and down, run over to us, give us hugs AND ask when we're going to the beach again!


Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

Another blog to visit - yeah! Such beautiful pictures! Maybe the Brocks should visit soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm still worried about the pajama pants........
What beautiful little boys.....I can't wait to meet them. I wish I could speak their language......why was it I took French in high school???? I haven't really seen the French population growing here in the US!!
The boys will probably always remember the time you have spent with them..."let the little children come unto me......"
love u 4ever!
PS maybe we can find some new pants while we're down visiting you guys! :)

Emily Cade said...

Hey! I just got your post! yes, i have to update my blog! it's so funny you mention my walls! as you know, i always paint my walls as soon as i move in, and in my current apt, i painted it and my manager saw it (7 months after it was done) and said he was going to EVICT me if i didn't paint it back right away. So, long story short, i painted it back, but my mom is coming into town next week and we're going to cover the walls in fabric! i'll take pictures! i love looking at your blog too! i'm so glad we can keep in touch! how is everything going???