Friday, April 06, 2007

Holly on Ambien

I woke up the other morning and my pants looked like this:

What happened? I don't know. They were fine when I went to bed.

Did a rat eat them? A cat?

The thing is, I can't sleep here. Between the disco, motorcycles sans mufflers & confused roosters, there's a constant cacophony.

I've never been a good sleeper - probably some form of insomnia. Living here has exacerbated the problem. Earplugs irritated my ear canals. So, I turned to drugs. Generic Ambien, more specifically, which is cheap & available over-the-counter at any neighborhood pharmacy.

I sleep great. I wake up happy. I didn't know life could be like this.

But I have absolutely no idea what's going on after it knocks me out. TJ always looks forward to telling me what I said the night before. Usually something about how much I love our waterbed (which we don't have), and how nice it is for all of these people to help me fall asleep (there are no people).

As for what happened to my pants, we'll probably never know. Maybe Gus needed a midnight snack? Maybe I did? Our best guess is that the fabric was worn out & I somehow tore them in my sleep. Too bad - they were my favorite pants - I'd had them since 10th grade.


jocelyn said...

At least you can blame the drugs. I sleep like that/make weird comments like that al natural, which makes for some embarrassing stories, let me tell you. I'm sorry about your pants. It's hard to replace a good pair of pjs. It should make you feel good that they've last 10 years (can you believe it's been 10 years since the 10th grade??)

Melanie said...

Holly I cannot believe you still have those pants! I remember very clearly those pants or some very similar to those, that you were wearing the day we walked to United and on the way back you tripped and fell in the middle of the street! 10 years is a good run for a pair of pjs for sure. Those are always the most comfy ones. :)

PS... I have heard that Ambien is dangerous to take, there have been many news shows on it and the effects it has on people, very similar to what it does to you.

kentbrantly said...

no bruise on the knee? no scrape? no fragments of fabric stuck in your teeth? that is a bizarre story! are you sure you didn't tear those pants all those years ago when you fell in the middle of the street?

well, if it makes you feel any better, according to statistics only like 2% of the adult population in the US never has symptoms of insomnia. and up to 33% have some symptoms almost every night. so at least you're in good company.

what i want to know is, do you ever have strange dreams on ambien?

Unknown said...

Well, I got a good laugh out of this one - and Casey too! I am glad that you are sleeping better, if not without some side-effects! And as you know, I say thing like that in my sleep without drugs so don't feel bad. As for the red-checkered PJ pants - they've met a sad and mysterious end - they had a good run, though.