Friday, November 17, 2006

Birthday Hugs

My beatiful wife, Holly, turns 26 tomorrow, and she is too far away to get hugs from everyone she loves. Sooo... why not send her some birthday "hugs" with an email or on the blog?!!!
As you can see-some of our regular "chiquitos" got the idea- now it's your turn!

We love and miss all of you- see you in December!


kentbrantly said...

feliz cumpleaƱos, hermana
Dios les bendiga a ustedes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Holly and TJ! It's amazing what you find when you "Google" and old friend's name the day before her birthday! Glad to see you are doing well! Shoot me an email sometime.. it's been forever since ACU! Love always, Melly

christine pinson said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLY! Too bad we didn't think to add that on Jack's video...but hopefully when you watch it, you will be reminded of how often we think of you guys and lift you up to the Lord in this house. We are so amazed at what you guys are doing, and yet it is what we are all called to do. Thank you for your witness of reckless abandon when it comes to serving the Lord.

We love you guys and hope that you have a very happy birthday Holly!