Friday, September 22, 2006

We stink.

Our clothes stink. Our room stinks. Our feet stink. Our towels are so stinky, it is better NOT to shower than to allow bodily contact with the foul-smelling terrycloth.

We normally take our clothes to a lavandería every week & a half or so. But 2.5 weeks ago we decided we would save money and do our laundry when we got back to the States. About 4 days ago, we really started to regret that decision.

The thing is, we are normally a clean people. But there's something about leaving a place that makes us messy. (This time, we are actually dirty.) When leaving somewhere - be it Tulsa, Nashville or Antigua, we want to enjoy the moments we have left, so tidying slips down on the priority scale until we are literally fishing around in a mini-mountain of clothes.

But 4pm tomorrow, stinky or not, Nashville, here we come!

1 comment:

AMankin said...

Welcome back--in any condidtion :)