Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How far are you willing to go?

We ask ourselves this question every morning: How far are we willing to go? What are we willing to risk for a hot shower? Mortal peril? The answer, unequivocally, is yes.

Yes, we are willing to stand under running water that is electrically heated IN the shower head.

Yes, those are live electric wires you see in the above picture. These contraptions are used all over the world - they must be safe, right?

After six weeks of Guatemalan showers, looking forward to two years of cold Dominican showers, I am thinking this: Italy has great pasta, China has the Great Wall, Africa has elephants & giraffes, the Carribbean has unrivaled beaches, but the United States...? The Unites States has the market cornered on plumbing. You just can't beat it.


Unknown said...

Do you remember when the hot water was not working in Gardner for such a long time (it felt like half a semester) that we snuck into Nelson with our shower caddies to take a shower over there? Although we weren't risking death exactly, I remember that we were afraid that we'd be caught and thrown out for some reason!

josh and darci said...

I remember my sister describing this contraption from her semester in Costa Rica. She survived, but I certainly feared for her life :) We're looking forward to seeing you this weekend. (LOVE the children's CD, by the way. It's constantly playing in my car!!)