Thursday, July 10, 2008


They're just a few weeks old - they can barely open their eyes. Someone dumped them at the end of our street - the boys found them there last night. There are things about this culture that are difficult for us to stomach, and cruelty towards animals is waaaaaaaay up there on the list. It's borderline sadistic.

We CAN'T adopt three little Dominican viralatas right before we leave. So, the boys made a palm tree shelter, and we're all feeding (and sometimes bathing) them until they're old enough to survive on their own.

Anybody got any better ideas?


Jaimy and Bret said...

Better Idea #1: Bring one for us when you come for Kyle & Lauren's wedding. Elsa needs a playmate. And I am sure Mom and Dad would not mind an extra pup around the house while we're there... ;)

Cody James Veteto said...

I'm pretty sure that is the MOST GORGEOUS picture in all of the Dominican. Adorable puppies and two drop-dead gorgeous girls: I want to come to the d.r.!


Anonymous said...

OOOOOOHHHHHH.......I can't stand it..........


Dad/GP said...

They are cute, but not nearly as cute as Gus. He sends his love.

The Normans! said...

We're tempted. Very. Tempted.