Monday, July 07, 2008

"O say, can you grill...."

4th of July. In America, it's a day for BBQ, fireworks, taking the boat out and breathing a deep breath of a thing we like to call freedom.

Here in the DR, its just another hot day without power or water. But we didn't let that stop us.

With the help of Mickey and our friends, the Lambs, we celebrated the 4th pretty darn well. A grill made out of an abandoned sink, red, white and blue flowers in place of fireworks, red, white, and blue bedsheets as table cloths, and an iPod with a little Lee Greenwood made us all feel right at home.

We were/are proud to be Americans, where at least we know we're free and can grill meat better than anyone else.

1 comment:

Dad/GP said...

Looks like you did it in style - congrats! Next year we'll take the boat out.