Friday, February 08, 2008

Fishes and Crowns

Wanna grow leaders? Just buy a necklace or two.

The inspiration came from an idea one of our Otter Creek elders, Jerry Franklin, gave us. When he and Paula were visiting, we were talking about leadership and how to grow these kids into true leaders, even if just in their little community of streetkids.

"Why not have the boys elect their own leader each week?", he said.
idea. Why didn't I think of that?

After a little trial and error, here's what we came up with;

We bought two necklaces, one with a fish (boys) on it, and one with a crown (girls). During the group Bible studies, we start by giving the necklace to one of the group members and letting them know that it is because of whichever Christ-like attributes we see in their lives. They wear the necklace all week, and each week thereafter, the last recipient gets to choose who to give the necklace to and has to state what Christ-like things they have seen their friend's life.

We have done it for two weeks with the boys and one with the girls, and it seems to be a great way to get them to call each other to Christ-like behavior... now if we could just get them (the boys) to use the toilet instead of peeing on our side-yard wall...

- TJ

(By the way; On the boy's side, the first two recipients have been Joelni (who is seriously considering making a decision for Christ), and Argelis.
Girls' side: Rachel)


The Normans! said...

This is SO exciting! We are continually amazed at all that God is doing in these kids' lives! Wow! (Can you feel our smiles?)

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

what a neat idea!