Wednesday, January 09, 2008


TJ here.

I'm loving watching BSC raise a child. Especially a child that looks like a mini-me of his daddy.

He and his wonderful wife, "The Manager" came home to visit and we got to spend an evening catching up and eating Mexican food served by the fastest waiter north of the Pecos. Seriously, the guy could have had skates on, he dropped those chips off so fast.

While it makes me feel a little old watching one of my best buddies turn into a full-fledged father, it's also pretty cool. I can't help but be proud of my bro when I see he and N together. How two pimply faced teenage wierdos like us could have gotten so lucky to be where we're at... I don't exactly know.

By the way, N is already showing real musical talent... forget football, BSC, this kid is gonna be a choir nerd like uncle TJ!


bscarter said...

Just so long as it isn't show choir, I can tolerate it.

And for the record, I'm not entirely devoid of musical talent. If you rode in the car with me, you too would say, "Wow, you really do sound JUST LIKE Ray Lamontagne!"

Kathryn Roberson said...

Hey guys...a note from an unprofessional blogger. I don't think I have a true blogger identity. (I'm much to old to be blogging. Actually, I am sure I'd love to blog but my kids would never get fed, picked up or have clean clothes if I decided to create a looks addictive.)

Anyways, wanted you to know the Robersons were thinking of you. Jake keeps us praying for you guys. In fact, his birthday is in a couple of weeks and he is asking his friends to give money for things on your wishlist instead of getting presents. Just went all the way to the Dominican to change children for God and you're doing it back here too! Happy New Year! and God Bless!

Think I'll go create an identity now....

Summer said...

Awwww - I wish I had been there! It really is crazy that everyone is "grown up" now.