Saturday, December 08, 2007

Favorite Christmas Present?

Okay, this is not my FAVORITE Christmas present ever. But it was unexpected, and has been unexpectedly useful. And I think of Sheryl Thomas when we use it, which is pretty much every day.

She made them for Trina and I when we worked in the office at Otter Creek. Pretty thoughtful gift for your husband's assistant, don't you think?

Somehow it made it's way to the Dominican with us, and we keep it in our car. It dries our sandy car-full of kids on the way home from the beach. I use it as a pillow on our long trips over the mountains to Santiago. The girls wrap up in it after pageant practice, and have me turn on the air full-blast. When a new girl comes, first thing, they pull out the blanket and show this off incredible item. Everybody oohs and ahhs. Seriously.

Soooo... Thanks, Sheryl!

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