Saturday, December 01, 2007

En Español

We live our lives in Spanish.

We don't even think about it anymore. We find ourselves fumbling for English words, wanting to use the Spanish words that are always on the tip of our tongue.

We talk, eat, dream, live, love, laugh, fight, play and cry... in Spanish.

That's a cool side benefit to changing kids lives: becoming nigh fluent in another language.

We didn't do it on purpose. We were just desperate to understand what they were saying to us, to be able to respond in a meaningful way. And desperate to get our (electricity, car, water, internet, etc.) fixed.

Thanks, B&K, for making language school possible. Thanks, Steve & Brian, for supporting us in making it a priority. And thanks, CSA, for 6 weeks of the best Spanish language instruction possible. More than a year later, we're still learning, building on the foundation you laid for us.

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