Sunday, October 14, 2007

Font Junky

We had a fabulous time in Santo Domingo, and made some fabulous friends. More on that later.

But for now, where can I get my hands on these fonts?! My love affair with fonts began many years ago at ACU when my roommate, Rachel, introduced me to (Don't go there.) But do check out

TJ took these pictures for me, in the hopes that I'd be able to match the fonts online. Let me know if you find anything! (And I don't want to hear Papyrus, people. Or see it. Ever again.)


Unknown said...

Hi Holly and TJ!! On the font thing, Joe has 80 million, I will have him take a look later. On the anniversary thing, happy four years! Congratulations. And on a similar note, Joe and I are sending wedding invitations out... we are using c/o Agape Flights, the one from your Christmas cards, let me know if that is still the best. We would be so thrilled if you guys could make it (December 30th). I'm sorry it has been so long since sending an email (what is your email address these days?). You may not even know we are engaged, although we have been for a year and a half. Can't wait to catch up. Love your blog! btw, we should share stories of Guatemala, I was there for 6 weeks working and traveling last summer, I think right before you guys were there studying Spanish. Sorry for the really long comment. My email is send me one so I can send you one!

Blake and Moriah said...

AMEN! Let's add Comic Sans and Curlz MT to that list as well. Funny thing about fonts... I was having problems with Adobe Acrobat 8.0 and it turns out that it was all the fonts that were causing the problem. The guy told me to check all the fonts I had on my computer to make sure they weren't corrupted. I then told him I had 1024 fonts. He told me to delete most of them. I told him no.

Sarah P said...

Dafont is fabulous. And I HATE papyrus, too!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure that 3 out of 5 ACU shirts had that font on them while we were in school. Sick.

Anonymous said...

I think I could easily become hooked, too! Do they have a 40's old movie type font??
Hope your anniversary was a great one! We sent a card and some fun $$ for you guys to use!

