Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Something New

We tried something new last night - a sunset run on the beach. It was nice. Amazingly nice. We can't imagine why we've lived here a whole year and have never done anything like that.

It was healing to get away from the noise of town, splendid to watch the sun slip into the sea. Good to be just the two of us, good to exercise and push ourselves. What we didn't realize was that running in sand is like having ten pounds strapped to each foot. We made it about half as far as we thought we would, but... it was great, nonetheless.

We aspire to incorporate several Playa Preciosa jaunts into our weekly routine...


Tina and Jim said...

We too LOVE sunsets!!! The picture is gorgeous and I'm sure it isn't even close to what it looks like when you're seeing it with your own eyes. The beauty that we miss in our daily lives. The sunrises and sunsets are definitely one of those "taken for granted" blessings.

Thanks for sharing.


Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

oh, running on the beach is HARD!