Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Night-time visitor

"There are no poisonous snakes or spiders on the island." This is Brian Wallace's mantra to American groups when they arrive for a week of ministry in the Dominican.

There are, however, poisonous toads. Not shooting dart poison or anything. Just, if you (or your dog) ate it, it would be bad news. Apparently, toad stew is the preferred assassination method in rural Haiti.

We let this big, ugly guy go in a field far, far away after a midnight photo shoot.


Blake and Moriah said...

Great picture! It's very 'National Geographic'!!

Dad/GP said...

That toad just has a mean look in his eye.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Eeewwwwww! I used to pick up frogs until junior high when one peed in my hand...haven't picked up one since. Miss you two.
love~Blair :)