Sunday, May 20, 2007

What goes up...

This week, Holly's cousin, Kyle, and his girlfriend, Lauren, came to visit. We climbed up 27 waterfalls and slid/jumped/ swam/dove our way back down them.

Seriously, 27 waterfalls is not some fancy name, it is actually 27 stunning waterfalls in a row. Ask Blake & Mo. It's unbelievable.

What's even more unbelievable is that our guide not only hauled us UP tumbling cascades, but that he managed to keep our digital camera dry while doing so. It was wrapped in a t-shirt and a grocery sack, and we were in the water for 5 hours. We have no idea how he did it. But we're glad to have these pictures!


kentbrantly said...

wow! do you do awesome stuff like that with all of your guests? i want to come visit! miss you guys.

Blake and Moriah said...

Ok, I'm officially mad that we didn't take our camera! Oh, well. Live and learn!

Anonymous said...

WoW! That looks so cool!!!!