Sunday, December 17, 2006

Feliz Navidad!!!

Let's just say, we know how to party.

For our last Sunday night in town, we had a super-duper, mondo-fun Christmas party and invited all the community kiddos. We had a packed house and it was a blast singing (botching) Spanish Christmas carols, playing gonzo games, hearing the Christmas story, learning the legend of the candycane, drinking juice and eating homemade popcorn while watching that ol' Grinch try to steal Christmas again. Suffice to say, he did not succeed this year.

We are gonna miss these guys, but we are soo excited to come home for the holidays! Look for us soon at a church or a mexican restaurant near you!

1 comment:

Blake and Moriah said...

I can't wait! I cleaned the house yesterday, just for you guys! By the way... we have power whenever you want it.