Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My preshioussss....

Well, it finally happened.

After three years and countless chances to bounce into a storm grate, be left on a fast food tray, or simply fall off my fat finger, my wedding ring has flown the coop.

Yes, it's true - all of you who always warned me about spinning my ring on tables (Laura Troup got especially upset about this once), playing with it when I'm bored, and dropping it under a pew during church - you were all wrong. None of the above caused my ring's demise. It was the ocean. The deep, unfathomable surge and pull of the ocean took my ring off of my finger during an afternoon of pretty respectable body surfing. I got out of the water, sand in every place it shouldn't be, and thought "Something is different... Are my trunks still on?" That's when I noticed that it was gone.

My $70 WalMart band with the "comfort fit" and faded white gold plating (we always figured I would lose it in a month or so after the wedding)... taken by Mother Ocean. I contemplated searching for it - even made a few half hearted attempts at watching the sand for extra glintiness... but I knew when it happened that I would never see it again.

It only makes sense that the place that introduced me to Holly, Love of My Life would someday demand payment in the form of my wedding ring. So, with a sad sense of completeness, I will look for another cheap band of metal - maybe even one with the special "comfort fit"- but I will miss that little symbol of love - and I still feel like I am walking around naked without it.

(And Holly - don't get any ideas - I've got you, ring or no ring, Baby!)


Laura said...

I could make some smart comment about how you had it comin' or something, but I'll just shed a quick tear for your loss. I'm so sorry. I know it's just a hunk of metal, but it magically receives half your heart when you put it on your finger on your wedding day. Next time, you could try one of those rings that attaches to a bracelet so you're less likely to lose it. Hmmm, maybe not.

Summer said...

Oh... that is sad. Eric broke (or jammed, or somethinged) his knuckle while playing football a few weeks ago, and he has had to switch his ring to his right hand. Even that makes me sad. I've wondered if people think he's single now or if the "wife in Boston" story wasn't true after all. Hope not!

If you're going to lose your ring somewhere, I think the ocean is the perfect place - it's safe there. I wonder if someone will find it and always wonder about the previous owner? (Can you tell I spend my life in novels? Or that I saw 'Titanic' 4 times in the theater as a sappy 16 year old girl?)

Anonymous said...

There is a lake in Guatemala that has a diamond ear ring that I gave to my wife for our anniversary. Almost drowned trying to dive for it. Your decision was a good one to leave it. We keep you in our prayers.

Steve and Magda